Where can I buy Dogsteppers?

Die Dogstepper is available in

Germany - Clickershop24
Austria - Klickertante
Switzerland - Clickerway
Finland - Riemu
France - Shop Dog'N' Fun 
Italy - Dogspecialist.it
Italy - Xeven
Israel - Keta Tov
Netherlands - Alprovi
Poland - Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Your country is not included and you would like to start selling Dogsteppers? Please contact us via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You would like to order extra Dogsteppers for your clients or want to place a large order for yourself?

Then benefit from our discounts for large orders

When ordering for more than 250 €, 10% Discount, Code: rb250
When ordering for more than 500 €, 15 % Discount, Code: rb500
When ordering for more than 1000 €, 20% Discount, Code: rb1000

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